Monday, January 25, 2016

Welcome Mother Nature

Welcome mother nature, welcome to my abode.
The year sweet 16. Announced your arrival with a bloom in my garden;
now the colors of spring are spreading all around. The butterflies yellow black and gold; visit the blooms one by one. The bumble bee plays her cord with  humming birds and chirping robins that sing hymens from within. I bow my head to thee with all my  flowers but one; whom you have chosen for you garden aglore with springs, streams birds and bees that form an orchestra so sweet to ears.
Oh! Mother nature sing to my baby a lullaby so sweet and rock him to sleep. In soft cloud of your arms
with blanket of stars which is softer than my shawl and more secure than my arms. Tell him;  your mother still sings your lullaby, but only to put her self to sleep with thought of running her fingers in your hair.
Tell him it's your birthday that she will celebrate still. With your friend Curious George and many more just the way you wanted for the children of small towns and villages. Tell him you were chosen to be in a place made for the best of best, but you will also live with me very close to my
 heart as Zahid Suleman  Children's Library
Thank you mother nature for the courage you gave me and the friends and family who hold my back and  help me go forward. I submit to the choice you made for me for I know you have a broader eye for this world and humanity.
Please give me the strength to accomplish the task bestowed in me
With best regards
Your humble creation
Mother of Asad, Yasir, Zahid and Zameer Suleman